About Us

Welcome to Sayona
Pawan Patel , Director of Sayona Drinks Ltd.
Sayona is a part of The Motisun Group, a privately-owned diversified business conglomerate based in Tanzania with various manufacturing companies in building materials such as steel, roofing products, cement, plastic tanks, pipes, paints etc. It is also present in sectors such as real estate, logistics, food and beverages and hospitality. Our geographic reach encompasses southern, central and eastern Africa and have our own manufacturing facilities located at Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia and Uganda.
“Under the able leadership, guidance and vision of Mr. Subhash M. Patel – Group CMD, Motisun Group has become one of the most successful business brands in Africa. The group’s investment in Africa while fostering economic growth and development provides ample employment opportunities to the local youth. To date, Motisun Group directly and indirectly provides employment to over 10,000 people.”
In over 30 years of operations, the Group has made significant jump in investments, diversified its brand portfolio, and introduced new innovative products. All these have been possible through its strategic investment in human capital, technology, and through a business philosophy that believes in sustainable growth. As every business goes through its evolution, the current Sayona board management is young and dynamic with the induction of Mr Pawan Patel and Mr Veer Patel.
“The board is supported by a team of professionals with exemplary track record, all of whom have held senior management positions with organizations of repute both locally and internationally.”
Veer Patel , Director of Sayona Drinks Ltd.
Our Philosophy



To enhance the everyday lives of our consumers with superior tasting products of quality, deliver excellent customer service, nurture and build local employee talent with consistent business growth in southern Africa



To become a dominant Food and beverage company in southern Africa.


Our Quality Policy

Quality is an integral part of Sayona’s business principles. These principles guide our actions to deliver products and services that are safe, compliant and preferred. Our commitment is to never compromise on the safety, compliance and quality of our products and services. This requires everybody to be engaged, to understand their responsibility and to be empowered to take action in order to protect individuals and families, our customers and our brands. Our quality personnel at all levels are the guardians of Food safety, Quality and Regulatory compliance. They continuously assess and challenge the management to sustain and improve standards


Our HR policy

The workforce is the backbone of our enterprise. Providing conducive and safe yet challenging work environment linked with appropriate rewards and recognition is one of the key determining factors . The organic approach of the top management and active involvement of each team member at all the levels during all the occasions is one of the prominent key factors in progress of the company .


Our environment policy

Sayona’s sustainability policy is focused to create value with brands and products that consumers prefer, while at the same time, conserving resources, protecting the environment, and improving social conditions for those who need it most. This is achieved through sustainable procurement, water management and energy management


Customer service & society

The company follows the policy of building and strengthening relationship not only with the consumers but each one involved in the chain of manufacturing and supplying, directly or indirectly. It does not end at simply establishing the relations but retaining them through different effective measures.

Management Team

Mr. Subhabrata Mukherjee


Mr. Harish Nair


Mr. Pramod Nair


Our Clients

village TM Shrijees shoppers maisha choppies Food